List of Abbreviations
AGP - Arabinogalactan-protein
AIR - Alcohol Insoluble Residue
ANOVA - Analysis of variance
APAP - Arabinoxylan Pectin Arabinogalactan-Protein
BG - Blue Green
brb - Bald Root Barley
BSA - Bovine serum albumin
CBM - Carbohydrate-binding Module
CDTA - Cyclohexane Diamine Tetraacetic Acid
Cv - Cultivar
CT - Computerised tomography
dH2O - Deionised water
DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid
DMSO - Dimethyl sulphoxide
EDC - Epitope Detection Chromatography
ELISA - Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay
FITC - Fluorescein isothiocyanate
GalA - Galacturonic acid
GAX - Glucuronoarabinoxylan
GlucA - Glucuronic acid
GPS - Global Positioning System
HG - Homogalacturonan
HRP - Horse radish peroxidase
IgG - Immunoglobulin G
JIM - John Innes Monoclonal
LM - Leeds Monoclonal
MAb - Monoclonal antibody
MAC - Monoclonal Antibody Centre
MP/PBS - Milk powder in phosphate buffered solution
MSD - Mass Selective Detector
m/z - Mass-to-charge
NaIO4 - Sodium periodate
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NMR - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
PBS - Phosphate buffered solution
Rha - Rhamnose
REC - Root Exudate Complex
RG - Rhamnogalacturonan
RT - Room temperature
SEM - Scanning Electron Microscopy
TMS - per-O-trimethylsilyl
V0 - Void volume
XGA - Xylogalacturonan
XG - Xyloglucan
xxt - Xylosyltransferase